Shuttle Service
Shoreline Metro provides shuttle service on weekday afternoons, weekday evenings and Saturdays to accommodate passengers during peak and hourly service. Passengers may use the shuttles by paying the same fare as the regular routes. Shuttle Service is available in the areas serviced by the Sheboygan routes and excludes the area serviced by Route 20 in Kohler and Sheboygan Falls. Passengers are not permitted to change their destination once the shuttle has left the Transfer Station. Here is an overview of the shuttle service provided by Shoreline Metro:
Afternoon Peak Shuttles
Shoreline Metro provides weekday afternoon peak service shuttles to compliment the regular routes and allow routes to run more efficiently and meet on-time performance. Shuttles may be provided during “drop and go” service on school days from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. During “drop and go” service, all routes come in to the Transfer Station, drop off their passengers and pickup any passengers already waiting. At :20 and :50 past the hour during this 2-hour period, routes may automatically leave the Transfer Station. Any passengers remaining at the Transfer Station needing a route will have the opportunity to board a North or South Shuttle. The shuttles will take passengers to their destination (drop off must be at a regular bus stop) in order as determined by the bus driver. Shuttles will usually depart the Transfer Station shortly after all routes have departed the Transfer Station. Normal fares do apply. Shuttles are outbound (drop off) only and will not pickup up passengers along the route.
Evening Shuttles
Shoreline Metro provides weekday evening shuttles to compliment the regular routes during hourly service from 5:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. A North Shuttle is provided when all regular routes go southbound at :15 past the hour and a South Shuttle is provided when all regular routes go northbound at :45 past the hour. The shuttles will take passengers to their destination (drop off must be at a regular bus stop) in order as determined by the bus driver. Shuttles will usually depart the Transfer Station shortly after all regular routes have departed the Transfer Station. Normal fares do apply. Shuttles are outbound (drop off) only and will not pickup up passengers along the route.
Saturday Shuttles
Shoreline Metro provides Saturday shuttles to compliment the regular routes during hourly service from 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. A North Shuttle is provided when all regular routes go southbound at :15 past the hour and a South Shuttle is provided when all regular routes go northbound at :45 past the hour. The shuttles will take passengers to their destination (drop off must be at a regular bus stop) in order as determined by the bus driver. Shuttles will usually depart the Transfer Station shortly after all regular routes have departed the Transfer Station. Normal fares do apply. Shuttles are outbound (drop off) only and will not pickup up passengers along the route.